Our Partner Schools

Click or tap the name of any school to visit its website.

Where Do We Serve?

Project GROW serves many counties in the Black Belt, South Alabama, and East Mississippi Region. Click or tap a state to zoom.

Counties highlighted in red form Alabama’s Black Belt. All other participating counties are highlighted in grey.

School Partnership Reflections

Watch some of the reflections from our school partners on their experience with our programs and events, including our six-week training program during the summer of 2023.


See photos from events and programs conducted at our partner schools. Click or tap any photo for more information.

We are excited to develop a partnership with many schools across the Mississippi, Black Belt, and South Alabama Region. During the summer of 2023, several schools within our partnership regions participated in a six-week training to develop a deeper understanding of Character Education. Each school team created their own plan to implement Character Education within their schools to create a positive school culture and climate.

Simulation at Greensboro High School

UWA Project Grow partnered with Greensboro High School to develop a character virtues based simulation around the virtue Respect. The simulation is designed to prepare future school teachers and leaders for real-life classroom situations related to student behavior. Participants experience consequences of their decisions and have opportunities to reflect on those decisions impacting them and those around them both professionally and personally.

This simulation took place at Greensboro High School and involves interactions between students, teacher and students, teacher -teacher, and teacher-principal. The sim gives the participant a real- life experience in simultaneous events and issues requiring prioritization, thought provoking decisions and the impact of those decisions and actions.